The first four races in the 2020 series have been postponed this includes the first two offshore races.

The ISORA Race Committee have been looking at reshaping the series and Chairman Peter Ryan said 'we are committed to running a full series in 2020 by providing the offshore racing requested by competitors. To achieve this, we will continue to listen to suggestions and consider all options. We will introduce all of the cutting-edge technologies to achieve this'

There is, however, a lot of speculation about when the lock-down restrictions will be eased or lifted, what form of social distancing will be imposed and for how long these will last. We then need to consider the impact these restrictions will have on sailing and offshore racing. We are, of course, reliant on the advice given by our National Governing Bodies RYA & IS. Whilst considering options the safety of our competitor and those who support us is of paramount importance.

ISORA does, however, have the ability to be very flexible in setting a revised programme and will react very quickly when there is clarity in what will be allowed.

We have looked at a number of options in what may be a very crowded calendar for late summer and autumn. In considering options we are conscious that ISORA has always provided the races required to qualify for the round Ireland Race and we hope to provide this again this year. The new date for RI is 22nd August. We also want to support other established Championships and Regattas, such as the Wave Regatta 11th - 13th September and the IRC Welsh National Championship 14th to 16th August. The ISORA-organised 160-mile Dublin Bay to Cork Harbour Race is also in the mix with a proposed start date of 31st July.

We have set out, in the following document the latest proposal for the revised 2020 ISORA Series.

Suggestions and ideas from Skippers and crew welcomed. These can be sent by return e-mail to: ISORA Hon. Sec This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




2025 Class bands are anticipated as follows:

Class 0 = 1.070 or greater
Class 1 = 1.010 to 1.069
Class 2 = 1.009 or less

2025 bands will be published before the first Race.


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More DetailsPlease Get in Touch to Know More About ISORA

The Association is run by volunteers for the benefit of competitors by working in partnership with boat owners, crew, yacht and sailing clubs, other associations and the governing bodies for boating in Ireland, Wales and the UK.