The high Points scoring explained:

(This article was updated 10th September 2018)

ISORA High Points Scoring Stystem and Race Weighting:

The high points system of scoring allows the use of multipliers (weighting) to adjust, upward or downward, from the standard 100 points for a win. So a win in a 1.3 weighted race (hardest/most challenging) would be 130 points and 90 points for a Coastal Race etc.

We have also applied another adjustment by way of a formula called ‘CHIPS3’ to provide more reward in a larger fleet and less in a smaller fleet.
This is all explained in the document below.

For 2018 the weighting was agreed in the AGM as follows:

'Series scored using the High Scoring System, the more difficult races are weighted with a factor of 1.3 for cross channel Races over 100 miles (and Race 15). 1.2 for cross channel races less than 100 miles. 1.0 for the Night Race and 0.9 for day races.
A win in a large fleet will score better than a win in a small fleet using the CHIPS 3 formula.'

Class / Overall Differential:

The difference points between Overall and Class points is because each Class Race is treated as a totally separate and standalone Race i.e. they are not scored for their placing overall but for their placing in class.

So – if we look at 3 boats in Race 1 in Class 0 and they are A = 1st ,. B= 2nd and C =3rd (in that Class) so all will receive high point in their class

Overall boat A is 1st but B is 15th and C 20th – A will have high point overall but B and C will have much lower points in the overall results

Next Race

B = 1st , C= 2nd and D =3rd   in Class

But overall B is 11th C is 12th and A is 13th

So after 2 races all boats in Class will be very closely scored but overall A will have a lot more points because of her win in a much larger overall fleet.

Then apply the above to 15 races and then throw in the discards ¬– you can see how the Class and Overall can look different.

ISORA did actually question this but concluded that the score in Class is important as a standalone and should not be watered down by using the overall points.



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The Association is run by volunteers for the benefit of competitors by working in partnership with boat owners, crew, yacht and sailing clubs, other associations and the governing bodies for boating in Ireland, Wales and the UK.