Below is a copy of the e-newsletter distributed to all ISORA subscribers - it can be read as a e-newsletter format here

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ISORA Logo NewSmallerThis is the time of year that you are all usually rushing around with final touches to your boats and kit. New sailing boots being tested, dusting down the fenders and mooring lines. Bottoms clean and polished (boats bottom that is) and all boat checks completed. Visits to the chandlery for the hundred and one tweaks that you had planned at the end of last year and only now completing! Crew planning complete and race schedules set in everyone's diaries. You are ready!

At this time of year we have the admin side of ISORA sorted with race schedule published, Sailing Instructions ( SIs) and Supplemental Sailing Instructions (SSIs) published, new diary of events published, entry form published, competitor list published, Race results system published and this new e-mail newsletter system completed. ISORA is ready!

Last year we were wondering if BREXIT would disrupt our cross channel sailing and worrying about the amount of racing in a crowded calendar - and the comments in the club houses on both sides of the Irish sea ' can we possibly do all those races, regattas and championships!

Not in anyone's wildest nightmares would our risk register include disruption to sailing because of a virus!

Yet, here we are 'locked-down' or 'locked-in' Isolated but hopefully not lonely. Distracted from real sailing and bored with virtual sailing. Fed up of TV, Netflix and Sky but amused by the new entertainment offering on WhatsApp, text and e-mail (keep the jokes coming!).

What we can and must do is continue to hope for the best and plan for the worst. So, in best seaman manner batten down the hatches and weather the storm, survive and return to the homeward downwind run under blue skies!

We, of course, respect the advice given by Governments and our Governing Bodies (RYA and IS), the resulting decisions taken to cancel or postpone sailing and other events. We understand the need to keep everyone safe and want to play our part to minimize the spread of this virus.

RealBoats2020It is therefore with regret that ISORA has announced the postponements of the first 2 races

  • Race 1 - Welsh Coastal Race - Postponed
  • Race 2 - Irish Coastal Race - Postponed

We will contact you again shortly about the first and second cross channel races (races 3 & 4). To cancel these will have an impact on our Sailing Instructions in respect of the number of qualifying races. Postponements require planning of alternative dates and venues. The ISORA Race management Team is now considering options for the Sailing Committee to consider.

For now, please keep safe and we hope that we can see you racing later in the year.

Hwyl - Kind regards


Stephen Tudor
HON. Secretary ISORA




2025 Class bands are anticipated as follows:

Class 0 = 1.070 or greater
Class 1 = 1.010 to 1.069
Class 2 = 1.009 or less

2025 bands will be published before the first Race.


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More DetailsPlease Get in Touch to Know More About ISORA

The Association is run by volunteers for the benefit of competitors by working in partnership with boat owners, crew, yacht and sailing clubs, other associations and the governing bodies for boating in Ireland, Wales and the UK.