BackToBoatingProtocolISORA is working on a the 'Back to Boating Protocol' that will allow coastal racing to begin after 29th June. This hinges strongly on the 2m distancing being reduced.

Irrespective, racing will be provided for 2-handed and family pods. It will be issued early this week.

It is proposed that all starts and finishes would be done using the trackers eliminating any need for committee boats etc.

ISORA will at all times comply with the recommendations and guidlines issued by Irish Sailing, RYA and RYA Cymru Wales.




2025 Class bands are anticipated as follows:

Class 0 = 1.070 or greater
Class 1 = 1.010 to 1.069
Class 2 = 1.009 or less

2025 bands will be published before the first Race.


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More DetailsPlease Get in Touch to Know More About ISORA

The Association is run by volunteers for the benefit of competitors by working in partnership with boat owners, crew, yacht and sailing clubs, other associations and the governing bodies for boating in Ireland, Wales and the UK.